
Trapped within the walls of a sinister asylum, your singular objective is to break free from its clutches. Immerse yourself in a haunting journey as you navigate the grim corridors and unravel the mysteries of both your captivity and your own enigmatic past. Will you triumph over the shadows that lurk within, or succumb to the clutches of the monstrous presence that looms?



  • Interact: Employ the 'F' key to interact with objects and items scattered throughout the asylum, seeking the elusive key to your freedom.
  • Move: Utilize the 'W/A/S/D' keys to guide your character through the dim hallways and chambers of this nightmarish institution.
  • Stealth: Engage the 'R' key to slip into the shadows and navigate discreetly, evading the relentless gaze of lurking terrors.

Created for VimJam4 by  SaddSlothh , uhnino , Chiripaxa ,Protanope


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nice story